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Office Manager

I would've never guessed the dental world was where I would end up after college especially after having such a fear of the dental chair growing up, but after all these years I am so proud to be a part of a team that is so passionate for making our patient’s dental experience top notch and with such ease so together we can break the stigma!
In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family, friends, and her dog, Yeti out on the boat or working on house renovations.


Treatment Plan Coordinator

Carole has been in dentistry since 1995, beginning as a dental assistant and now our treatment plan coordinator! She will greet you with a smile and help break through any financial barriers you may have that get in the way of your dental treatment. She recently moved here from Seattle and is enjoying her stay here in Illinois. In her free time, she enjoys spending it with her husband and their 2 fur babies.


Business Assistant

Brittney is not only our business assistant but also a certified dental assistant! She graduated from Midwest Technical Institute in 2016 making her a jack of all trades here at our office. She enjoys helping patients achieve their best smile and getting them the quickest care possible by always staying on top of the schedule. She enjoys spending her free time with her family and outdoors.


Dental Assistant

Jesi completed her dental assistant certification at Midwest Technical Institute in 2022. She is driven to make sure her patients feel comfortable and safe inside the dental world. Outside of work, Jesi enjoys hanging out with her 3 daughters and 2 dogs enjoying the outdoors together.


Dental Assistant

Brionna completed her dental certification at Midwest Technical Institute in 2016. As a dental assistant, she works chairside with doctors and provides great care for our patients. Her passion is bringing her patient’s smiles back while giving them a wonderful experience! In her free time she enjoys spending time with her daughter, going to farmers markets, and being outdoors on the weekends.



Teresa has been our longest standing hygienist and employee here at Creve Coeur Family Dental. She is often referred to as the “momma of the office” or “Auntie T” by her colleagues. Teresa has been working with us for over 30 years and plans on staying until retirement. She strives to give her patient clientele (new and seasoned) the best possible quality care through meticulous, thorough, and well thought out plans of care. Teresa truly cares for her patients and considers them family. I guarantee you will feel the same way after spending some time in her chair and her results reflect it as well.
She enjoys spending her free time with her hubby & giant fur babies, cooking, and baking exquisite desserts & dishes and sharing them with her family, friends, and coworkers.



Jessica graduated from hygiene school in 2023 as class president and top of her class! She is constantly providing patints with the education and guidance to reach their max potential when it comes to your dental health. Reaching those goals is a huge priority to her when it comes to her patients. She strives to make her patients feel comfortable and leave with a healthy smile. In her free time she enjoys watching football, soccer, participating in fantasty football leagues, and enjoying the outdoors whether it's hunting, fishing, or gardening. She also enjoys spending quality time with her husband, son, and 3 dogs!