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Women with beautiful white smile

In-office teeth whitening is among the most popular cosmetic treatments performed by dentists. If you’ve recently received professional teeth whitening near Peoria, then you may be wondering how you can keep your smile brighter longer. Use these tips to help maintain your newly whitened smile:

Practice good oral hygiene.

Consistent flossing and brushing are essential for promoting your oral health, but they play a role in the brightness of your teeth, as well. Flossing helps remove particles between your teeth that could cause staining or darkening due to decay, and brushing your teeth with toothpaste helps to gently scrub away stains from your tooth enamel. In addition to flossing once and brushing twice per day, visit your dentist a couple of times per year for a dental cleaning.

Stop using tobacco.

While you’re probably aware of the negative effects of smoking on your health, did you realize that tobacco use can also darken your smile? When smoked or chewed, tobacco releases tar and nicotine into your mouth, substances which can leach into your enamel and cause your teeth to appear yellow. To promote whiter teeth and to help prevent oral cancer, quit using tobacco.

Avoid staining drinks.

Consuming certain beverages can contribute to teeth that appear dingy and dull. Because of acids or pigments that these drinks contain, your teeth can become more vulnerable to staining when you enjoy them regularly. After your teeth whitening procedure, avoid drinking coffee, tea, fruit juice, red wine, and cola to help maintain your results. When you do consume these beverages, rinse your mouth with water afterward and give them a brushing if you are able.

Avoid staining foods.

If you want to keep your teeth white, then there are also a few foods that you should consider avoiding. Cherries, berries, pomegranates, and tomatoes are all foods that are highly pigmented and can stain your teeth. Be sure to floss and brush after eating these foods to help maintain your bright smile.

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