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Dentist with X Ray

Creve Coeur Dentists Keeping Your Teeth Strong & Healthy

Your teeth and gums are incredibly important parts of your body, and keeping them healthy should be a top priority. Many people avoid going to the dentist because they view it as uncomfortable, expensive, and generally a hassle. At Creve Coeur Family Dental, we aim to change that. Our professional general dentistry services are second to none, and we pride ourselves on detail-oriented work at affordable rates. We provide a wide range of dental services, including special operations and dental surgeries. Our team of dentists and medical assistants always puts our patients first, and we hope to reframe coming to the dentist as an easy and enjoyable experience. At Creve Coeur Family Dental, we have the know-how, equipment, and facilities to take care of all your dental needs! Our dental practice has been treating patients in the Creve Coeur, IL, area for more than three decades.

Keep your teeth strong and healthy

Our Creve Coeur dentists offer various forms of dental treatment. The main goal at our dental office is to ensure you have strong oral health, as well as a radiant smile. Our skilled dental care team can aid you in the prevention and treatment of problems such as cavities and gum disease. Having a regular checkup every 6 months with one of our dentists is an easy way to ensure your teeth and gums remain healthy. Our dentist gives you a thorough exam, and our hygienists clean your teeth and discuss techniques for maintaining a healthy mouth. We discuss brushing techniques, the importance of flossing, the type of toothbrush you should use, mouthwash, and certain foods and drinks to avoid if your teeth are at risk or sensitive. Every patient has different needs and a different oral history, so we tailor our services to better serve each patient.

Professional dentistry services

Often times, the best way to stay healthy is with preventative care, which is why our top-rated general dentistry services are designed with our patients in mind. Your teeth and gums need your daily attention. Expensive and painful procedures come from not taking care of your teeth and can be avoided with regular cleanings and exams every 6 months.

The general dentistry services we offer include:

Contact us for any questions you have on the general dentistry services we provide. Our trained staff can also answer your questions regarding your dental insurance. Our office accepts a wide range of insurance plans and providers, which can make your co-pay inexpensive, or even free in some cases.

Quality dental care for the entire family

From wisdom tooth extractions to dental cleanings, our Creve Coeur, IL, the practice has been in business for 30 years. We know our patients value friendly and professional dental treatment, which is what we’re here to provide. Our dentists and hygienists have been expertly trained to provide you with superior care, and it is always our aim to foster a comfortable environment. We are the perfect office to visit for your entire family’s dental care needs in the Peoria area, as we provide general dentistry services to both adults and children.

Schedule a consultation or appointment today. Call 309-698-0220.

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