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Dentist with Operating Instruments

Medical emergencies of any kind can be traumatic and incredibly painful, and dental emergencies are no different. Pain in your mouth and gums that requires instant care can be a troubling experience, and it is important to have a trusted dental team standing by to help. When you have a dental emergency, you can turn to our Creve Coeur dentists and staff for immediate care. We are well experienced in dental emergencies and are ready to help you through whatever problem you are having. At Creve Coeur Family Dental, our emergency dental services are designed to help you save your tooth and mitigate or prevent long-lasting issues. Dental emergencies come in all shapes and sizes, and our experienced team of dentists and staff has the skills to ensure you are well taken care of.

Experienced emergency dentist in Creve Coeur

Because we know how painful and serious dental emergencies are, we do not make patients wait when they need emergency treatment. All you have to do is get in touch with us, and we will work on getting you treated as soon as possible. Our dental team is standing by to help, and we do everything possible to make time in our schedule when emergencies come in. We can assist with all types of dental emergencies, such as those related to:

Providing immediate care in your time of need

When you are suffering from one of the dental emergencies above, make sure you act immediately! Some dental issues (such as abscesses) can be extremely serious, even to the point of being life-threatening. In the case of a knocked-out tooth, the tooth needs to be reset as soon as possible so its root remains healthy. You could end up losing the tooth if you do not receive treatment right away. Each type of dental emergency requires specific treatment and often the work of an experienced dentist. We’ve been helping our patients in Creve Coeur for over 30 years and have stayed up to date with the technological improvements and medical advancements in emergency dental treatment. We pride ourselves in helping our patients, no matter their dental emergency. Our office is equipped with a tremendous amount of technology to aid in our top-rated emergency dental services and your recovery.

Helping you through the entire process

Beyond providing expert procedures, Creve Coeur Family Dental places a premium on a dedicated and thoughtful chairside manner. We know dental emergencies can be not only uncomfortable but also mentally taxing, especially when they occur without much warning. Our compassionate team is ready to help you through the entire process, from diagnosis to procedure and finally recovery And best of all, our emergency dental team is always happy to assist you, whether you are coming from Creve Coeur, East Peoria, or a surrounding community. We have patients from all around the area who have relied on our expert emergency dental care, and we look forward to serving you today.

Experiencing a dental emergency? Call 309-698-0220 right away!

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